Published on:2024-04-08 Browse:889
K418 is a nickel based cast high-temperature alloy containing multiple strengthening elements.
Density: 7.91 g/cm3
Melting temperature: 1260-1290 ° C
Smelting method: Using a vacuum induction furnace to melt the parent alloy and vacuum casting.
Heat treatment system: for use as cast
Technical conditions: GBn 185-82
Stress rupture property:750℃ σ605Mpa,t≧40h,δ%≧3.0
800℃ σ490Mpa,t≧45h,δ%≧3.0
Tensile performance: room temperature σb≧755Mpa,δ%≧3.0
800℃ σb≧755Mpa,δ%≧4.0,ψ%≧6.0